
Thanks so much for completing 3 of 12 sessions so far – that is fantastic!

As you have completed a few sessions of the training now, please take a moment to think about whether you have noticed yourself thinking about how things are going to turn out in your daily life, outside of the sessions. 

Have there been any times where you have thought ‘this could turn out in this way or that way?’ If so, which conclusion did you make? 

The reason we are asking this is that since you are practising forming positive outcomes to the scenarios in the online sessions, it would be brilliant if you could try and do this in your day-to-day life

In your daily life, please try to notice when you are thinking that a situation will turn out negatively. When you notice this happening, we would like you to think of a way that the situation could turn out positively and end up being okay, just like you have been doing in the sessions. You can think about this in images or in words, depending on what you find helpful. 

If you are already doing this, that is great, please carry on! If not, please give it a try. Initially, you may find it hard to think about how a situation could turn out positively rather than negatively, but with time and practise, this should get easier, so please keep trying. 

If you have any questions, please contact us via the button below or you may click on “Go to My Dashboard” to exit this session.

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